Monday, November 7, 2011

Pioneer Stock???

Today as I was canning up some more batches of tomatoes and making some apple jelly from the skins and cores of the apples Lani and I put up for her on Saturday, I was contemplating on why I get so much satisfaction from doing things the "old fashioned" way. Am I part squirrel, that I like storing up my food? I have always loved gardening, canning, making bread, even to the point that I now grind my own wheat to make my bread. I had this conversation once with my oldest daughter, Shannon, who is much like me in this respect, in that she derives the same pleasure and satisfaction from doing things "the hard way". I think that we both decided it is because we come from "pioneer stock". My Great Grandfather was a homesteader in southern Idaho. He signed up for a hundred acres, built himself a sod home to start with and went to work growing sugar beets, potatoes and corn. He had to make good with his crops for a period of time and then the acreage became his. He then built a great big farmhouse for his bride, my grandmother and they continued working together to provide for their family. I still remember their farm and apple orchard and fields. I remember my Great Grandmother sending me down to the cellar, (it was dark and scarey), to get apples for her to make some applesauce for us for breakfast. (To go along with the oatmeal, bacon, eggs and biscuits that she also fixed every morning!) You have to realize that my Great Grandfather had already put in at least two hours of work on an empty stomach before this first meal of the day, so a hearty breakfast was necessary! Now, of course, I do not eat breakfasts like that, but I very much enjoy the "putting by" as it used to be called, and the doing for yourself rather than totally relying on the grocery store. So, there's the theory as to why I am the way I am. I blame it on my Great Grandparents who rode the immigrant train west to make a place for themselves.

This picture is of my Great Grandfather, (seated) and his brother and one of their first crops of potatoes. You can see how Idaho became the potato state, SEVEN potatoes, SEVEN feet tall!
God Blessed America!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Monday February 21, 2011: Dr. Frank Seekins - Hebrew Word Pictures from El Shaddai Ministries on Vimeo.

I totally love the way this guy teaches relationships in family. This will truly bless any family or marriage.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

For The Beauty of the Earth

I wanted to share some of the outdoor pictures I've been taking throughout the spring and summer on my walks through the property. I only wish I could infuse the sweet woodland fragrances, and the feeling of peace and wonder that you experience walking through these places into the pictures; for that, you will have to use your imagination.

For the Beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies,
For the love which from our birth, over and around us lies,
Lord Our God to Thee we raise, this our hymn of Grateful Praise!
(Folliott Pierpoint)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Well, all that manure shoveling is paying off...

and with my little helpers watering my garden with the little teapot,

my garden is probably smiling as much as I am.

Coco walked from the pool,
to the gate,

to the garden, poured out his little tea pot of water and then

walked back to the pool only to repeat the process over and over....he seemed to thoroughly enjoy the entire procedure.... and felt he was a huge help to Grandma ! I certainly enjoyed it as well!
Eli and Cohen...I love you!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lovin' Country Livin'

Life does not seem very glamorous when you are unloading a pick-up truck full of manure...but somehow, I love it. I'm collecting things to grow a garden and doing that kind of stuff has a certain amount of satisfaction. I guess I was born a "little bit country." The only draw back is my back, it really complains when I do heavy work, but I just pop some ibu's and aspirin and rest it for a couple of days. I've got someone building a fence for me and I'm looking forward to trying a "lasagna" garden this year.

I'm posting some pictures of having Lani and Brady's kids last week. We sure had a great time. We took walks in the woods, had a picnic in the woods by the creek, the kids played outside when the weather permitted and all in all had a good time in spite of the rain.
This is Jaxson jumping off a hay bale...

We had some wagon rides....
We roasted hotdogs in the fireplace....

Then had our picnic in the living room by the fire! We also put up my very first flag at Walk in Love Ranch and then did the Pledge of Allegiance together. It was cool.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

TO DO's ...

I have started what I call a Master List of all the things that I need to do. I do this for my benefit bedcause I am a list maker. I make little lists and leave them all over, I sometimes have multiple listings on my lists. If I do something that I didn't put on my list to do, I write in on my list and then cross it off. It's such a grand feeling of accomplishment even though no one sees that list but me. But, the Master List HAD to come into exsistance because some things just can't be done in a day or a month or they are future to do's that I might forget to do if I don't have them written down....Can anyone relate to this??
Well whatever, I can't possibly be alone...I know I have at least ONE daughter who may share or may have inherited this syndrome. But, the good news of this Master List, which by the way is that I am actually getting to cross some things off of it, (I also keep adding, so it's not getting smaller) But to not lose the feeling of accomplishment I leave everything that I've done on it, just neatly crossed off...I love the new strike through font! Maybe it's not new, but nevertheless, I just found it so it's new to me. This blog's slide show is featuring some of my TA DONES from my TA DO list. Of course it doesn't show nearly all of the ta-dones that I've done but enough to make me have that grand feeling of accomplishment. AHHH...but! There is so much more TO DO! but NOT tonight, time for a glass of wine by the fire.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm such a lucky Grandma! I got to have a couple of my grandgirls over for a weekend! We got to sled and play

and watch movies..(Rin Tin Tin)

We made ourselves lovely meals and ate them in the newly decorated dining room complete with candlelight and romantic music.

Abbie kept us entertained by appearing every few moments in disguise...she is a russian spy and you never know what costume she might be wearing at the moment! (These are a couple of them.)

This poor man was operated on by Abbie, you should have seen the kidney stones he had!!! (It looked far more like an autopsy to me)

Micah contentedly took care of her baby daughter,cooking and caring for her. Once she had me babysit so she could make the 50 mile trek to go get the medicine she needed to get her baby well. Such happy times we had.... How wonderful to see the imagination and self engineered entertainment of children...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lovely Poetry

This morning I woke up with these two verses to a poem in my head that was written by Holly Dempsen, one of my awesome neices....

O Lord this love is heavy and it hath no other place,
I pray, my Lord, direct this love to Thee.
That love when it hath caught a glimpse of Thy beloved face,
Shall say, "There is no better love than He."

Though in this tent we groan and would be further clothed and whole,
And long to know as we are fully known.
We have this perfect confidence implanted in our soul;
That we are not, and shall not be, alone.

It's funny how you remember things when you need them...Thanks, Holly

Monday, January 24, 2011

Not Snowed In!

All is well in the winter wonderland. The snow comes and the snow goes, the ice comes and the snow comes over it. I shovel the snow and I play in the snow...I keep finding myself stopping and staring out the window at the trees and the mountians covered in's so beautiful. I think also of the song, "White as Snow" taken from a verse in the Bible that tells us the outcome of the Work of Christ at the cross...through the power of His blood, through the wonder of His love, through faith in Him I know that I can be...White as snow. I hope that you'll enjoy this video of my little ride down the icy driveway. Sometimes you just can't let the ice get the best of you.

Couldn't upload this to my blog somehow so I had to use YouTube and embed a link.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Turkey Parade!

Thought you'd enjoy this little video of some Turkeys passing by. Pretty sweet! Deer and Turkeys are begining to seem "Ho Hum". NOT!

Last night I baked a pumpkin to make some pumpkin pie. Today I plan to get something built in the shop. (IF my new saw blade works....I dropped my skil-saw the other day and now it is not cutting right, I'm hoping it's just the blade I wrecked and not the saw itself.)

Cold temperatures are back, 24 degrees at 8:23am, but, the sun is shining and the sky is blue, blue, blue!

We had our first power outage of the winter the other evening. It was out for around 6 hours. Not bad. I just get my flashlight, then my gun, then I light my candles. I already had a fire going so heat was not a problem. I really don't NEED to "get my gun" but, when you are the helps you not feel helpless in case there is an unforseen danger.

Going to take a walk in the woods today...I won't need the snowshoes this time since the thaw from the last week melted nearly all the snow.

Be watching for my upcoming video of my ride down the icy driveway!!
Signing off,
Grandma, (from Over the River and Through the Woods :>)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

To The "Fretters"

Psalm 37

Fretting, fretting, always fretting
What’s the use of that?
It changes naught
With evil fraught
And keeps my mind from what it ought.

Trust, delight, commit and rest
Wait patiently for him
Live righteously
And faithful be
The desires of your heart you’ll see.

Fret not, He say’s THREE times because
He knows our tendency
To sit and fret
Then get upset
It leads to evil, don’t forget!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Delight yourself in Him
Commit your way
Trust and pray
He’ll make your goodness shine like day.

Be still before the Lord and wait
So patiently for Him
Refrain from anger
Turn from wrath
Fret not and let Him guide your path

If God delights in your way
Your steps will be secure
And should you slip
You will not trip
He has your hand within His grip.

Your salvation comes from Him
He’ll be your strength in trouble
He’ll deliver you from
The wicked one
When to his refuge you will run.

So, turn from evil and do good
Then in the land you’ll dwell
He loves the just
And though we’re dust
He’ll not forsake those who trust.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


My first little snowshoeing expedition...

Walking down the hill...

Looking back up the hill...

Now I'm on the opposite side of the house going up into the woods...

Looking back at the house....

That was cool

The next day, the SUN came out! So beautiful!