Psalm 37Fretting, fretting, always fretting
What’s the use of that?
It changes naught
With evil fraught
And keeps my mind from what it ought.
Trust, delight, commit and rest
Wait patiently for him
Live righteously
And faithful be
The desires of your heart you’ll see.
Fret not, He say’s THREE times because
He knows our tendency
To sit and fret
Then get upset
It leads to evil, don’t forget!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Delight yourself in Him
Commit your way
Trust and pray
He’ll make your goodness shine like day.
Be still before the Lord and wait
So patiently for Him
Refrain from anger
Turn from wrath
Fret not and let Him guide your path
If God delights in your way
Your steps will be secure
And should you slip
You will not trip
He has your hand within His grip.
Your salvation comes from Him
He’ll be your strength in trouble
He’ll deliver you from
The wicked one
When to his refuge you will run.
So, turn from evil and do good
Then in the land you’ll dwell
He loves the just
And though we’re dust
He’ll not forsake those who trust.