Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ringing, ringing, ringing while people singing

Songs of good cheer CHRISTMAS IS HERE....

The decorated tree...for those who were asking to see it

What a wonderful Christmas we had. Thank you Lord! It was nice to work and play and eat together. I was so occupied however, that I didn’t take pictures on Christmas day. Brady said he will send me some sledding pictures and I'll post them later.

We found this little nest in the tree, so we put a christmas "egg" in it!

The kids opened the gifts of their new slippers and new pajamas… they were so excited over them, it was really cute. Lani and Brady did their advent reading with the kids and lit the Christmas candle in the advent ring.
So special…I love to see traditions passed on from generation to generation. Such good parents all of my children are to their children…it doesn’t get any better then to see your children passing on the Holy Scriptures and teachings to their children. Again, I say, Thank you Lord!

I was cleaning up the house today and came across this picture from Ellie. It made my day once again! How true it is!

And this one from Vance...I'm a pretty blessed Grandma. I love them all so much!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

O Tannenbaum

I had some visitors at Walk in Love Ranch….some awesome grandkids! Here we are picking out the tree, (notice the moose droppings in the snow)
So I got some help cutting down a Christmas tree! Funny thing about that tree, it actually grew THREE feet between the woods and the house. It was every bit of 10’ by the time we got it to the house. As it turned out a 10 foot tall tree was the perfect size for house, with the topper it came right to the ceiling in the corner of the living room. Lani and I thought that the hill got longer also!
Hauling the tree up the hill, and the wagon with a couple of little ones and cedar boughs was quite a chore. We had to lay down in the snow and laugh at ourselves a couple of times.

Jaxson, Ellie, Vance, Lilah and I were able to do some sledding. It was great fun being outdoors in the snow with the kiddos. We only had two saucers, but I had some huge pieces of cardboard that made great toboggans and went down the hill with good speed, the boys found that if you unfolded it they could ride double. Today I bought a plastic toboggan. I can’t wait to give it a try.

And how many kids have to dodge the Moose poop when they walk back up their sledding hill???
I stopped in at the Valentine farm today. Their new barn is so cool, it is beautiful, Marcus and Shannon did a great job building it. I’ll have to put up a picture of it. I loved walking into it and smelling the hay and seeing the little goats contentedly eating. And my goodness, how those Valentine girls are growing. My firstborn granddaughter is nearly as tall as I am. They are such a sweet blessing to me. God is so good.

O taste and see that the Lord is good, how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. Psalm 34:8