Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Turkey Parade!

Thought you'd enjoy this little video of some Turkeys passing by. Pretty sweet! Deer and Turkeys are begining to seem "Ho Hum". NOT!

Last night I baked a pumpkin to make some pumpkin pie. Today I plan to get something built in the shop. (IF my new saw blade works....I dropped my skil-saw the other day and now it is not cutting right, I'm hoping it's just the blade I wrecked and not the saw itself.)

Cold temperatures are back, 24 degrees at 8:23am, but, the sun is shining and the sky is blue, blue, blue!

We had our first power outage of the winter the other evening. It was out for around 6 hours. Not bad. I just get my flashlight, then my gun, then I light my candles. I already had a fire going so heat was not a problem. I really don't NEED to "get my gun" but, when you are the helps you not feel helpless in case there is an unforseen danger.

Going to take a walk in the woods today...I won't need the snowshoes this time since the thaw from the last week melted nearly all the snow.

Be watching for my upcoming video of my ride down the icy driveway!!
Signing off,
Grandma, (from Over the River and Through the Woods :>)

1 comment:

Lorie Hethorn said...

Love your blog! The pics are great!
Is the pic your house?