I just spent a good hour and a half reviewing last years journels that I keep during my Bible reading. Wow, do I see myself going around Mt. Sinai! I need to learn my lessons! The Lord has recently called my attention to that phrase from Psalm 37:3 Trust in the Lord and do good,dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Genesis and Exodus are full of those examples of faithfulness.
Cultivate Faithfulness
Faithful when the grass is green
When fruit hangs on the vine
Faithful when the skies are blue
Our tables spread with cheese and wine.
Faithful when you see storms brew
When fears begin to form
Faithful though the winds of change
Have scents of woe un-born.
Faithful-Noah, building the ark
Faithful-The midwives of Goshen
Faithful-Joseph unjustly in jail
God is searching for hearts of devotion.
Faithful to God in the midst of evil
The midwives feared not to nurture
Noah feared not the ridicule of men
And Joseph feared not for his future.
Know that the eyes of the Lord are searching
through-out this tumultuous land
for hearts that are fully devoted to Him
to strongly support with His hand.
So faithful remain when the times are hard
When the grass and the vine have died
Faithful when darkness is all you can see
He is there,ever there,by your side
Oh, will the Son of Man find faith
When He returns to the earth?
Wise ones-choose faithfulness, scriptures are true
Sell all for that pearl of great worth.
Leslie Allen Litton
Feb 2008
This picture of a Robin bathing in my little pond back in Idaho reminded me of the verses that tell us of God's faithfulness to even the birds and how much more He cares for us.
Love to all,
Mom, AKA Leslie, Ruthie, Grandma
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