Monday, March 30, 2009

Back from Alaska

We had such a great time. The hot springs were especially great because it was so cold outside. Your hair turns frosted, literally, from the steam that rises into the freezing air and coats your, your eyelashes and eyebrows turn white as well. I didn't remember to take my weatherpoof camara case so I couldn't get a picture of that.
We were able to see a spectacular show of the Auroa Borealis. God is Awesome!
Here is a picture of one of the many bald eagles we saw.
The temperatures varied depending on where we were. Day time temps were between 20 and 20 below.
I'm posting a link to a little video I put together of us dog sledding. It must have been too big to upload on blogger, so I put it on youtube. It's my first attempt and I'm not very good at putting stuff together, just to warn any of you kids who seem to be able to do this stuff with ease. :>)
I can't get blogger to put this in as a link so you have to copy and paste.
Love to all,
Mom, AKA Grandma, Leslie, Ruthie


Kathy Spencer said...

I don't see a link!

Lani said...

Nice! Looks like a blast!

Kathy Spencer said...

Looks like an unbelievable amount of fun! Not as much as fishing...but pretty close. :)