Thursday, February 26, 2015

Little People Visit

 Ger and I were totally blessed last Sunday with a visit from some little people (and their Father)!  Jerry brought out the kids for a visit and some fun.  They didn't have warm enough coats for the chill so Gramma Leslie outfitted them with some extra vests that she had.  They looked so cute in them. Cohen always wants to wear the "ninja" hat!

The little duck ponds are still frozen so they did a little "walking on the water."
So Fun!  It was good to visit with Jer who was keeping the kids by himself for the weekend while Jess was at a conference in Atlanta Georgia!

That evening after they were gone, Ger and I revisited the many little happenings that brought smiles to our faces and joy to our hearts.  Such little blessings.  Thank you Lord.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Could winter possibly over this early??

Last weekend Jasper Dog and I took a walk on the property and I came across a seasonal creek that was flowing strong It was quite pretty so I'm sharing it.  It is just the snow melt, it doesn't run all year long. It's just amazing to me that the snow can bring so much water.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Shabbat Shalom!

With whom will you compare God? By what standard will you evaluate him?

Don't you know? Don't' you hear?  Haven't you been told from the start?  Don't you understand how the earth is set up? HE who sits above the circle of the earth- for whom its inhabitants appear like grasshoppers-stretches out the heavens like a curtain, spreads them out like a tent to live in..........Turn your eyes to the heavens! See who created these things!   Isaiah 40:18,21-22, 26

This is a picture of Pend Orielle Lake, I took this picture on a paddle board trip a couple of summers ago.  I am sure looking forward to getting in some more paddle board excursions this year. Most anywhere on the lake is a feast for the eyes, it is just beautiful every direction you turn. It always makes me thank God to be able to enjoy the beauty of his creation.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Winter Magic

Generator Shed
 I so LOVE a fresh snowfall.  And, being out in the snow while it's happening.  It's kind of magical and I don't know why.
I LOVE walking out in the dark each morning in the snow with our headlamps on to go down to the barn to do the chores.  It's kind of magical and I don't know why.
I LOVE bringing back the milk and eggs, even though they make a little more work for me each day, it;s nice knowing where your food is coming from.  It's kind of magical and I don't know why.

It may be that these are gifts from God, good and perfect gifts and that is why they seem so magical.

I caught Gerry bringing wood to the back porch this morning.  We're using wood this winter that has been in his woodshed for almost 10 years!  He hasn't used this part of his wood shed for a long time. It's kind of weird that he remembers when and where he got his wood!  "I got this birch when I was back working for Danny Eiche."  Ha ha...
Now, these two lazy critters take the entire winter off.  They think winter is all about hanging out at the fire and that it is our job to keep their little cozy spot pleasant for them. Feed them, pet them let them in and out.  Yes, life on the farm is very laid back for these two.