My kids are blogging, their cousins blog, all their cool friends blog, that's how you stay in touch these days. Oh sure, we see each other, we talk some on the phone, but when you blog you really say something. You share inner thoughts, contemplations, silly and serious, or you may tell anyone who cares (and even people who don't care) about events in your life, you can post pictures, share a laugh and all your family can tune in and read about it. It no longer takes a phone call to each person.
Okay, count me in, I'll give it a try. Will my kids read their mom's blog??? Weird, I don't think so. I hope they might check it out once in a while. I hope that when they do, that I'll have something there worth reading. Something to brighten their day, make them smile, or be surprised. Most likely they'll say..."yup, that's mom" ...whatever. Maybe, it will be one of the coolest blogs ever and they'll tell their friends, "check out MY mom's blog!" (I told you I wanted to make them smile - I'll bet you anything that they are!) and Jerry will be wishing he wasn't. That's how well I know my kids. When they read my blog they'll be correcting my punctuation errors and my spellling, but it's ok, I'm terribly proud of all of them. They are my "opus" my finest work, even though I myself am still a work in progress as they also are, I will stand before the Lord and He will know, that with all my faults and short-comings, I did my best to teach them His ways, His path, and His love.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
All for now.
Leslie AKA- Mom, Grandma, Ruthie
Welcome to the year 2007! :>)
Of course we will read your blog, and I'm sure it will be much more interesting than mine!
Love you and see you in a couple of days!
Hey Les,
Nice blog! I will try to visit it
when I get a chance. Usually at work, I'm sure. Fast internet there!
Got your package in the mail yesterday, thanks so much.
Love ya, Your lil Sis
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