Just a few pictures for now of the grandkids along with a quick note on what a great time we had in Idaho over Christmas. I've got a ton of great snow pictures that I'll put together on a slide show and post next time. What a beautiful two weeks it was.
I got to enjoy sledding with the kids, skiing with Jax and Brady, making an underground snow fort with the Valentine girls, holding babies, playing games with the grown kids...got in a little snowshoeing, had a Christmas Carol sing with my brother David's family; we also had a little recital that night from the kids who have been taking piano lessons from their Aunt Lorie.

We got to see the Valentines perform in their Church Christmas program, I got to visit with Becky & her family and Mark and his family and even with a few friends. Unfortunately, due to the weather, I was unable to see everyone that I wanted to, so I had to save some visiting for yet another trip. I really had wanted to see my friends from the "store" and even say hello to those that are still working there. I miss them...but...all in all, it was just a great holiday... and I didn't even mentioned all the eating! As you can see from the pictures, Jerry and Jessica also made the trip from CA to ID and the cousins got their first visit with their

newest cousin,Cohen Ray.
Say! That's quite a good looking group of cousins and boy do they have some fun together! AND...once in a while a wonderfully amusing fight:>) (Amusing for us that is..pretty serious for them!)
The kids looked so cute in the bathrobes that I made them for Christmas and I was delighted that they really seemed excited about receiving them.

Well, I'll be signing off for now will post the snow pictures next time. Happy New Year!
Love, Mom, AKA Leslie, Ruthie, Grandma