Friday, December 19, 2008

My Little Christmas Spot

I wanted to share my little Christmas spot here in San Diego....I am looking forward to coming "Home for Christmas" to the snow, family and friends! We leave tomorrow morning!
Thank you God for such a gift as the Son of God, born of a virgin to be a light to the Gentiles and the glory of His people,Israel. The Savior of the World, Immanuel, God with us! It's all about the gift, the promise fulfilled, the offer eternal life to all who believe.....Will you accept the gift?

I love the celebration of His first Advent and look forward to His second Advent when he will reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Let us be watching so that we will not be like the many who missed His first coming because it was not "the way" they expected it to happen.

O Mandy Pick a Bale of Cotton

Remember that song? On our trip to Texas we happened by a bale of cotton, a little bigger than "Mandy's" I'm sure.... since it is machine picked and baled.
I wanted to put up pictures for the kids to see how the cotton is grown and picked. It's not something you get to see in Idaho. Also, on the educational side I put in a picture of mistletoe growing in the tree. Another item you don't get to see in Idaho. Pa Pa Bill got under it to pull some from the tree, but it was too dangerous to kiss him while he was standing on the trunk of the car reaching for it.
We had a good visit in Texas with Trey and Granny and Eldon, Bill's brother.
Love to all,
Mom, AKA Leslie, Ruthie, Grandma

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Did I remember to take pictures of the family at the table? No, how utterly strange of me....consummed with thoughts of dinner preparations no doubt.
However, we did have a lovely time with the kids, Shonna and Adam, Jerry and Jessica and Mom and Dad.
We were also suprised to have some little Indian show up at our feast....I wonder where He came from...
...I think he was from the Allen Tribe.
Love to all,
Mom AKA Leslie, Ruthie, Grandma

Saturday, December 6, 2008

No greater Joy!

I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. IIIJohn 1:4
It is such a blessing to me to watch my kids taking their responsibilty as parents seriously. Anyone can have a kid, but it takes dedication to raise a godly child in such a fallen and messed up world.
I was so proud of Jerry and Jessica as they spoke their written vows to little Cohen when they dedicated
him to the Lord. It truly does give me great joy.... I can only imagine the heartache one would feel if you had to watch your children leave God's path and screw up their lives and the lives your grandchilden, that is one of the reasons I pray for them every day.
I know that it is not easy to be a good parent. In fact, I would venture to say that the hardest thing you'll ever do, (if you choose to do it well) is to be a Mother/Father.
For a mom to create a home filled with love, a place of refuge, a place of learning,a place of order,a place of fun and fond memories for her family,is a 24/7 job.(and I didn't even mention the cooking and cleaning) It requires so much more than a "punch the clock" job and although there is no monetary income from the constant giving of oneself, the value is priceless.
And for the Father who's providing, leading, loving and protecting his family, showing them the way to the Heavenly Father, there may be no earthly recognition, but again, a priceless value as you present your family to the Lord on the day of accounting when we stand before the King of Kings and answer for what we did with what He gave us.
Since the world won't recognize this value, be sure to tell each other how much it means to you and how much you appreciate each others efforts! So....I am proud of you Jer and Jess, I'm behind you in prayer and available for whatever...and I love you both.
I am so blessed by all of my kids and their spouses. God has definitely been good to me. Thank you, Thank you, Lord!

As you can see, this very special moment just wore poor little Cohen out!!
Love to all, Mom AKA Leslie, Ruthie, Grandma